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Physiotherapists vs Chiropractors


Physiotherapists are also called physical therapists. They are health care providers who are focused on diagnosis, evaluation and treatment in the aim of maintaining movement and functionality of the body. A physiotherapist is consulted by patients with conditions that put the movement of body parts at risk. Movements in body parts are compromised by age, injury and environment. Several components that facilitate movement are evaluated. Among the factors that facilitate movement are range of motion, strength, flexibility, posture, balance, coordination and body mechanics. Physiotherapists will also evaluate a patient’s general mobility by assessing how they walk, climb stair cases, how they sit and how they climb in to bed. After a physiotherapist has diagnosed a condition, he/she come up with an individualized treatment program. They treat mainly through physical exercises. But how to they compare to their Oklahoma City chiropractor counterparts?


Chiropractors are health care providers who deal with problems in the musculoskeletal system. They deal majorly with conditions that cause pain. Most people visit chiropractors to be relieved of pain of one kind or the other. They are not specialists who do not use drugs nor do they recommend surgery. They believe that the body has the ability to heal itself. They treat injuries using manual adjustments, dietary therapy and physical exercises.

The three health care providers will treat conditions that cause pain. The choice is purely based on preference. Chiropractors and physical therapists are more natural in treatment approaches. The latter have techniques that are regarded as painful.